Lighting Systems, Inc
New lighting controllers DMX Dimmers & 0-10Vdimmers
PD104-AN10 0-10V dimmer 1 x 4 A.
DT-AN10-PWM 120VAC dimmer converter to 0-10 V control and PWM low voltage dimming
DIGTAN4-DMX Converter DMX 512 to 4 channel 0-10V analog controls
DMX512 compatible dimmer components for mostly PWM LED dimming and DC Voltage applications
AD110 PWM analog LED dimmer line of 0-10 V LED dimmers and repeaters.
Easy to install & to use lighting control, dimming & animation solutions with very comprehenseive technical support, Manufactured in the USA |
Our quality lighting control products are backed by our extensive engineering expertise in lighting controls. We manufacture reliable lighting controls and we provide a professional & comprehensive technical assistance from project design to execution. We also specialize in PWM LED dimmers ( pulse width modulation to dim VDC lights ) ; experienced in LED lighting dimming & control products.
Since 1978, Digital lighting Systems,
have been a reliable source
for Lighting controllers, Dimmers & animation products for controlling
& dimming incandescent,
lights dimmers, neon, fluorescent & motorized loads.
(compatible with power line dimmable ballasts & LED drivers , QUICKTRONIC ® POWERSENSE ®, Mark 10 ® Powerline, Lutron Hi Lume , etc...)
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