Digital Lighting Systems, Inc    

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ANIMATION LIGHTING CONTROLLERS                                           Made in the USA  

Light chasers, spellers, sequencers, flashers, LED controllers, LED dimmers, DMX512 dimmers, DMX 512 switches, multi pattern controllers,... 


Self contained lighting animation and auto dimmers.

Mini- Chaser, Mini- Fader, Super- Chaser, Super- Fader , Spellers, Flashers

 PWM LED dimmer and other lighting controllers


Self contained and simple lighting controllers, Spellers, Flashers, Sequencers, lighting Chasers and faders / auto dimmers for the Sign, Casino and Entertainment industries. Spellers and Sequencers for signs. and Marquee Lighting chasers.

Four-circuit for Marquee signs, multi-circuit and multi-pattern lighting chasers. LAS VEGAS type sign animation controllers. Fountain, Pool and Spa lighting color-mixing.  Available for Low voltage VAC and VDC constant voltage and PWM LED dimmers chasers & cross faders. Great reliable replacement for mechanical motorized sequencers and flashers as well as other manufacturers' products.

We can help you to select replacements for  older mechanical flashers sequencers or spellers made by FMS, Signatrol, Yesco or others..., with Solid State units (no mechanical parts to fail, no contacts to wear) for trouble free reliable operation & a lot more animation features.

DMX 512  Dimmers , Switches and controllers

DMX512  compatible Lighting Controllers and  dimmers for LED low voltage & line  voltage

DMX512 Dimmers, DMX Relays, DMX Animation Controllers, DMX Chasers, ...



A broad line of DMX 512 compatible dimmer and switch packs and DMX512 controllers for lighting animation in signs or decorative architectural lighting applications. Standard and custom lighting animation patterns for small to large sign and display projects;  Available for Low voltage AC and DC and RGB  LED PWM dimmers and switches. 

Go here for 0-10 V PWM pulse width modulation LED Dimmers

Retrofit / upgrade / repair  existing dimming systems & lighting controls

MD400-DMX a 4 ch. firing card to convert or repair old analog dimmers.

Modernize  existing dimmers for less than 10% of replacement costs.

Contact us to help you select the right products for your applications. 

Our Lighting Controllers and Lighting Animation products range from the simple 3 or 4-circuit marquee lighting chasers, automatic dimmers, faders to very advanced multi-circuit & multi-event light sequencers,  all suitable for controlling & dimming incandescent,  low-voltage Transformers, Pulse width modulation (PWM) for dimming LED and DC Voltage loads,  Neon, fluorescent and motorized loads including water nozzles and jets in fountains, etc...

SIMPLE TO INSTALL & TO OPERATE, great for signs, displays, amusement parks,  theater scenery, etc...Inexpensively replace old mechanical sequencers, Spellers & flashers.
FMS, Signatrol, American Lighting, Yesco...  Available for different VAC or VDC ( PWM ) dimming and switching applications.

We provide California Title 24 dimming control solutions for signs.                                                                                                        Made in the USA

Competitively priced Lighting Controllers and dimmers suitable for controlling incandescent, low-voltage, LED,  neon, fluorescent and motorized loads. Available in VAC & VDC

Go green use LED lights with our new LED lighting controllers & PWM LED  dimmers  for all applications where LED PWM dimming is required

For assistance in choosing the right flasher, speller, chaser, lighting controller, dimming system etc,

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